Marc Potts
In the past, Marc was probably best known for his faery and folkloric art, and although he still does plenty of that sort of thing, he often combines it with a darker approach, and even occasionally the deconstructed form. It all comes from the same place in any case, and not all is fantasy, in fact a lot is simply a study of human, and non-human form and most comes from the same ritual process, and the same worn out brushes... Marc comes from the rural South West of the UK, a land of deep wooded valleys, beautiful open moorland and wild Atlantic coasts, although currently he has relocated in the mountain region of Southern Spain, equally beautiful and from where, on a good day, he can see all the way to Africa. Marc has illustrated magazines, books (including some of his own) for clients both big and small, and he has done some other stuff too. Marc still draws inspiration from folklore, fairy-tales, mythology and horror, with quite a bit of nature thrown in for good measure. Marc has contributed to many galleries and gallery shows, both in the US and Europe, and he is collected worldwide.