Richard Hescox
Richard Hescox is an Imaginative Realist painter whose artistic career, as an illustrator, and more recently as a fine artist creating personal paintings and commissions, has evolved towards the goal of rediscovering the forgotten esthetic sensibilities of the late 19th century fantasy painters who are his major influence. His newer works maintain the same imagination and sense of wonder as his illustrations, but without the editorial constraints of his commercial work. His illustrations include book covers, production art on Hollywood films, and concept art for computer games. His published works include hundreds of book covers, record album covers, movie posters and magazine illustrations. His paintings have been exhibited in shows held at the Society of Illustrators in New York, the Delaware Art Museum, the Canton Museum of Art and the Allentown Art Museum. As a fine artist his goal is to create images that serve as a focal point for the imaginings of the viewer. These personal paintings, featuring mythological women in mysterious and lyrical settings, have often been featured in “Spectrum” and have also been finalists in the Art Renewal Center’s annual Salon. Richard’s recent work has included a number of paintings for his “Land of the Mists” series based on a world he has created which exists apart from the natural world we must live in.