
Artist: May Zheng
Size: 24" x 24"
Medium: oil on panel
Price: $4,250


This is a revisualization of the classical Greek myth of Narcissus, a young man who is so entranced by his reflection in a pool of water that he stays there forever until his death, upon which the gods take pity on him and transform him into a flower, the first narcissus. I wanted to depict a peaceful but intimate scene, since the original story has a tinge of both tragedy and a cynicism about the self-absorption of human nature, both of which distance the audience from the character of Narcissus himself and more so focus on the plot. However, I wanted to focus on a moment within his fixation, a specific point in the rather simple arc of him noticing and then staying with his reflection, to humanize him and make the character more poignant within the narrative.
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