The Hammer and the Nail

Artist: Matthew Huntley
Size: 7.125 x 10 inches
Medium: Nicker Poster Color
Price: $400 Sold


The brawl between the woman and monster spilled across the mountainside, topography reshaped in its wake. The crustaceous abomination, as much a man as it was a crab, shrugged off Melinda's blows easily, and it proceeded with dogged determination towards the city proper. The more urgent the situation became, the more Melinda's hatred for the thing grew.

With high-rise buildings in arms’ reach, Melinda switched tactics. Ducked under a swinging claw, lunged forward at the creature's legs. It slammed into the earth, and like a feral dog, Melinda advanced over the spiked armor to get at its throat.

Three malformed human faces screeched up at her in panic: claws unable to bend in a way to push back or defend. She brought her fist down. Nothing. Again. Nothing. Once more. A crack in the chitin. An animalistic glee took hold of her, and a cacophony of rhythmic squelching echoed through the mountains. For a few moments, it felt as if all of the world's problems could be solved right there, right then with just her fists alone.

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