Matt Stawicki
From superhero comics to Star Wars to the paintings of Frank Frazetta, Matt has always had an interest in fantasy. The aesthetic of his art is greatly influenced by the Golden Age of Illustration. Howard Pyle, N.C. Wyeth, Norman Rockwell and Maxfield Parrish are among his traditional influences. Although Matt is a traditionally trained painter he was also an early user of digital methods to create his art. In recent years he has created a balance and works fluidly utilizing both techniques in has work. Born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. Matt was always drawn to the arts. An independent child he spent many hours entertaining himself by sketching and drawing. In his teens he also developed a love for music and started playing guitar. He graduated from the Pennsylvania School of Art and Design in 1991. In the year following he studied under the guidance of noted western painter Ken Laager, who further reinforced the Brandywine Schools approach. Since beginning his professional career in 1992, he has created many images for a wide range of products including book covers, video game covers, collectible card images, CD cover art, collectors plates and many other fantasy products. Matts work in publishing has been on the book covers of many of todays finest fantasy and science fiction authors, who include, (in no particular order) Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, Dave Duncan, Julie Czerneda, Ed Greenwood and L.E. Modesitt Jr. The first collection of this award-winning artists work, The Art of Matthew Stawicki, was published in 2002 by Cartouche Press. Matt's work has also been showcased in The Masters of Dragonlance Art and Dragon Art published by Flame Tree Publishing among others. Select clients include, Daw Books, Tor Books and Time/Warner Books, Other clients include Monte Cook Games, Milton-Bradley, Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, Vivendi Games, The Franklin Mint and The Bradford Exchange. Matt’s work has been exhibited at The Society of Illustrators in New York, The Allentown Art Museum and The Delaware Art Museum. His art can also be seen at various pop culture conventions such as DragonCon, GenCon and IlluxCon. When not painting Matt enjoys playing guitar and wood working. He currently resides in Delaware.