Stephen Hickman
STEPHEN HICKMAN (1949 - 2021) illustrated science fiction and fantasy for five decades. Among other publications, his work appeared in fourteen of the ninteen SPECTRUM annuals. Two books of his work are available: The Fantasy Art of Stephen Hickman; and Empyrean, The Art of Stephen Hickman. Two sculptures of H. P. Lovecraft subjects have been issued - the first by Bowen Designs and the second direct via Kickstarter. Major exhibitions include: New Britain Museum of Art New Britain Conn. 1978; Society of Illustrators show 1987 NYC; Delaware Art Museum shows, 1986 & 88 in Newark DE; Art Space Raleigh NC 1990; Canton Museum of Art Canton OH 1991; Olympia and York 1991 & 1992 NYC; Orlando Science Center Orlando FLA 1991; Smithsonian Air and Space 2009; At The Edge: Art of the Fantastic, Allentown PA 2012. Major awards include: Hugo Award [for the Space Fantasy Stamp Museum Wash DC 1992; SPECTRUM shows Society of Illustrators NYC 2005 & Booklet US Postal Service] 1993; seven Chesley Awards [one for Artistic Excellence]; Two SPECTRUM Gold Awards. Hickman's work has earned him critical acclaim, including a World Science Fiction Convention’s Hugo Award and six Chesley Awards from the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists.