
Artist: Bryn Barnard
Size: artwork 20" x 24"; with frame 21" x 25"
Medium: oil on gessoed illustration board
Price: $5,000


Hot Spots is a two-volume companion piece to Mercenary's Handbook 3055. It provides details of the Clan Invasion-era for custom-built scenarios, with materials for the gamemaster to provide the players. "Location:...The Inner Sphere and beyond. Type of Action:...Dangerous, maybe dirty.Pay Rates:...What can you negotiate? The only thing worse than a Merc without a 'Mech is having a 'Mech and no contract!"

To evoke a sense of drama, action, and urgency, I developed a scene with multiple zig-zagging and criss-crossing diagonals. I chose a vertiginous view looking straight down a wall as the protagonist, hanging by rungs, avoids energy beam blast by the charging mech. And of course, in keeping with the title, the colors are hot.
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