Storm Rising – Solaris

Artist: Jody Lee
Medium: Mixed Media
Price: $2,000 Sold


Acrylics, gold gouache on board, 2/95, 14 x 25 inches, signed on left wall. For the second book in Lackey’s Mage Storm Trilogy, I gave up and made separate art for the back and front of the book. This is the front, with the new ruler of Karse, Solaris, Son of the Sun, coming to magically visit Valdemar. Once again, I had recently seen a museum show about the Moche people of South America, and I incorporated quite a bit of that into the garb of the God-Priest Ruler of Karse. Not long after the book was published, I was invited to a convention in Iowa, and the organizer was costumed exquisitely as Solaris! The art for the back of the book, of the Sun Cat, hangs in my mother’s house.

Artwork From Artist: